Factors that affect oral production of English in language students

  • Pedro Antonio Morales Uriostegui Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Eleazar Morales Vázquez Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Keywords: English, language teaching, oral expression, affective factors


Oral production of the English language is one of the skills that causes the most complications for language learners. Some authors have pointed out that the origins of these complications can be varied, from aspects related to the teaching-learning environment to personal factors in students such as emotions. For this reason, this article presents an investigation that was carried out at the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco with the participation of students of the Bachelor of Languages, with the aim of identifying the factors that affect their oral production in English and thereby being able to establish teaching methods that meet the needs of learners. The research was of mixed approach and descriptive type. A structured questionnaire was used in which quantitative and qualitative data could be collected. The results showed that the students have difficulties due to the little practice of English during their classes, since they do not feel sufficiently prepared to express themselves orally in English when they are evaluated or when they must speak with other people, since they do not carry out enough activities to be able to improve. their oral production. This circumstance also affects the learners emotionally, as they are afraid to participate and when they speak English they often feel very nervous, embarrassed, anxious and even unable to communicate.


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