Inclusive education, use of didactic strategies of collaborative work in the preschool in San Juan del Río

  • Carmina Padilla Suárez Universidad Cuauhtémoc
  • María Antonieta Revueltas Ugalde Universidad Abierta y a Distancia de México


Currently, classrooms are made up of students who come from diverse social contexts. which is why it is necessary to promote inclusive education, so the objective of this research is; determine how to promote inclusive education through collaborative work teaching strategies and learning teaching situations and the influence of the family and educators in a third-grade preschool education group. The participants were 30 students, 30 mothers and 6 educators, the instruments used were observation, semi-structured interview and field diary. The evaluation was of a permanent qualitative type, as the educator evaluated the students under the expected learning’s set out in the preschool education plan. The design was research-action with a qualitative approach and a comprehensive-interpretive analysis was made. Research findings show that the teacher is a very important agent for inclusive education to exist, where his educational practice becomes inclusive with all students. It is suggested, with this research, to continue to raise awareness among early childhood students of bring down  discrimination as well as raising awareness of society to create new laws that promote inclusion in the educational community and society.


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