Procrastination Tendency of Higher-Level Students

  • Elena Fabiola Ruiz Ledesma Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Juan Jesús Gutiérrez García Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Ángel Salvador Montiel Sánchez Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Keywords: Attention, commitment, time control, procrastination


This article is about academic procrastination, understood as the postponement of tasks, project development, among others, by students, which causes problems in their school career ranging from low grades, dropping out of school, to health problems caused by anguish and stress. The objective of the study was to identify the tendency towards procrastination presented by university students from a public institution located in Mexico City, Mexico. For this purpose, a questionnaire was administered to a random sample of 373 students. The questionnaire consisted of 21 items, grouped into six dimensions of the variable Procrastination. Correlations between the indicators were established using Pearson's correlation coefficient. The reliability of the questionnaire was measured using Cronbach's alpha (95 % confidence). The results showed that the sample of students analyzed presented a medium level with a high tendency of procrastination, which was confirmed by the value of the calculated index, which was 67 %. In addition, risk factors presented by the students were identified, such as the tendency to fail mathematics subjects and academic lag. A web application was developed through which students can self-evaluate their level of procrastination and review suggestions on study habits and time organization.


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