Identification of reflective students in the Faculty of Accounting and Administration C-I of the Autonomous University of Chiapas

  • Manuel de Jesús Moguel Liévano Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas


This article emanates from the research Reflective learning in higher education students in Mexico, whose main objective was to know to what degree university students in Mexico make use of reflective processes in their learning strategies during their professional training, it was proposed to identify to the reflective students at the Faculty of Accounting and Administration C-I of the Autonomous University of Chiapas, since according to the literature on the subject, the reflective moment seems to be the cognitive instance to generate new knowledge through inventions, innovations, discoveries, creations and all kinds of new processes products of human intellect. The research was carried out between 2022 and 2023, with a population of 2,172 students in six HEIs in the Mexican Republic, among which this work focuses its attention on the FCyA C-I of Unach, with a sample of 1,191 students, equivalent to 55% , -of which 601 are female (50.3%) and 590 are male (49.7%)- turning out to be the largest among the HEIs under study, and offers degrees in administration, accounting, tourism management and computer systems. The results indicate that, both in the study of the total population and the FCyA C-I sample, only one student turned out to be highly reflective when answering the first six questions of the questionnaire in its reflective option. This is a student enrolled in the fourth semester of the Bachelor's degree in computer systems, at the aforementioned Faculty and University, approximately 19 years old.


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