The School Management of the new secondary school directors. A self-formative proposal

  • María Teresa Rico Cruz Universidad Pedagógica Nacional


The population that participated in this research work was made up of 9 new school directors (5 women and 4 men), with the characteristic that they came to the function through an opposition exam. A structured data collection was carried out through an instrument, which consisted of a questionnaire of 35 polythomic questions, around the exercise of their school management.

The general question focuses on: how to support new secondary school directors in their first experiences in charge of a school institution? Therefore, the objective of the research wasto design a self-formative proposal for school management called " School Management Tools for new Secondary School Directors", through learning objects, so that it contributes to the improvement of the exercise of school management of the new secondary school directors.

The methodological framework of the research was under the qualitative approach and action research.

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