Adaptive learning and data analytics as fundamentals of a computer system to improve the teaching-learning process in Moodle

  • Verónica López Martínez Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
  • Ma. Teresa García Ramírez Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
  • Sofía Amadis Rivera López Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
Keywords: Adaptive learning, data analysis, educational platforms, teaching-learning


Now days, the teachers need technological tools that promote the development of the teaching-learning process, regardless of the modality in which they develop and that respond to the demands that students, need to promote their learning effectively. In view of this, the main objective of this work is the proposal of a computer system that, through data analysis and adaptive learning, provides teachers with a simpler way to analyze and adapt their virtual contents, according to the requirements and needs of their students. A descriptive methodology has been followed to identify and characterize the phenomena, situations and events that affect the development of courses in virtual modalities and that, in the same way, led us to present a proposal to arrive at the finding that it is possible to measure and adapt the indicators of the teaching-learning process of students in technological educational platforms, through the analysis of their data.


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