The Impact of Jóvenes Escribiendo el Futuro Scholarship on the Academic Performance of Normal School Students

  • María Dolores Adame Villa Escuela Normal Urbana Federal Profr. Rafael Ramírez
  • Alfredo Bartolo López Escuela Normal Urbana Federal Profr. Rafael Ramírez


The Jóvenes Escribiendo el Futuro scholarship is a boost in the training of students who are enrolled in a normal school in Mexico. It is an economic support that has the objective of contributing and ensuring that the largest possible number of students complete their professional training and integrate harmoniously into the labor field. And in this way, contribute to the development of the nation and rescue the essence of the school, which is to train professionals of excellence who act as true agents of change that society requires. The main objective of this article was to determine the academic impact that said economic support represented to the students who attended the 5th semester of the bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education with a specialty in Telesecundaria (1999 study plan) during the 2019-2020 school year from the Escuela Normal Urbana Federal Profr. Rafael Ramírez (Chilpancingo de los Bravo, Guerrero).

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