Algorithm to optimize a fuzzy model of students academic achievement in higher education Silvia

  • Silvia Ramos Cabral
  • Juan Carlos González Castolo
  • Sara Catalina Hernández Gallardo


This paper shows an algorithm called Fuzzy Sets Optimized with a Genetic Algorithm (FSOGA) in order to
obtain an Optimized Fuzzy Model of Academic Achievement (OFMAA). Student academic information of
higher education as the aptitude test and the grade point average of the first semester is used. The
OFMAA is based in Fuzzy Logic’s Theory because the Academic Achievement (AA) is a complex
phenomenon that is more natural to describe it with a human reasoning’s aproximation. The OFMAA is a
set of Fuzzy Sets (FSs) and if-then rules. In order to find the best FSs that describe the AA, it is used a
Genetic Algorithm (GA) which contains restrictions that print particular and desirable characteristics in FSs
