Peer review process

In all cases, the articles received go through a double-blind assessment process, the editors do not disclose to the reviewers the name of the authors of the manuscript to be reviewed, and they do not disclose to the reviewers. the authors the names of the arbitrators. The evaluators make a judgment on the publication proposals, with the observations they consider pertinent. When the evaluation is positive, the evaluators' observations will be sent to the authors through the journal editors.

To be included in the publication, it is necessary that the works are free of editorial commitments with any other magazine or editorial body. Each contribution will be subjected to a double-blind evaluation by academics specialized in the subject that is presented. The decision of the judges will be final and will determine the acceptance or rejection of the proposals. The Editorial Board of the magazine will agree on the number in which the approved texts will appear.

Peer review / reviewer responsibility:

- The opinions must be objective;
- The reviewers should not have any conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and / or the research funders;
- Reviewers should indicate if there is any content that has not yet been cited in the work under review;
- Articles reviewed must be treated confidentially.