Understanding university teacher training through their educational practice

  • María Elena Salazar Vázquez Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro


The professional training of the university teacher is constituted by the knowledge of the academic discipline he embodies and, by the professional experiences that contribute to his pedagogical training. How does professional teacher training give meaning to educational practice? The answer is built from the explanations and interpretations arising from the reflection made by university teachers, who carry out their educational practice in a professional field different from their own, in them, affections, emotions, ends, values and traditions are immersed.

The study addresses the qualitative approach under the interpretative paradigm, with the intention of evidencing human actions in a given context through the concepts of training and experience on the educational practice of the university teacher. Based on comprehensive sociology, it is intended to understand, explain and interpret educational practice, from professional teacher training in an academic field different from the one in which teachers were trained, building categories of analysis that identify tendencies towards ways of being and valuing. Based on the method of hermeneutic phenomenology, he realizes some significant aspects that teachers share through the narratives of their lived experiences. University teachers show a series of ideas that they materialize through their actions, each one reflects differently from what they understand and are interested in the professional field of their students, however, they all reflect from the knowledge and experiences they have in the professional field they embody.


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