Use of virtual walls and its relationship with learning styles in teaching geography

  • Eduardo Domínguez-Herrera Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Elizabeth Hernández Morales Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Virtual walls like Padlet have become a powerful tool, since they allow different forms of communication to be shared in real time to develop school activities. On the other hand, within the teaching process it is important to consider the role that learning style plays, since not all of us learn in the same way. The proposal of this research consists of analyzing whether the use of virtual walls is a tool that integrates the three learning styles of students studying the Bachelor's Degree in Geography at the National Autonomous University of Mexico during the development of the class. The results indicate that the dissemination and consultation of videos, audios and infographics on Padlet positively affects the learning of geography and motivation. In conclusion, the Padlet virtual wall allows students and teachers to share and discuss various educational resources such as videos, audios and infographics in order to facilitate learning.


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